Complicated grief

This morning, after an early weights session, I received a text from my sister telling me my dad had passed away in the early morning. An hour later, my older brother for whom I haven’t spoken to for years messaged me:

Hi ,

Your father X Y Z Pappa just died at The Sisters of the Poor in his sleep peacefully at 12:30am.

We were all there during afternoon to say goodbye forever…..

Love from us all.

Then lots of names were added.


I reconciled a while back that my dad could die and I would perhaps not get to say goodbye or have any form of resolution. I feel nothing but then everything. I guess that says something? I hate it when my brother calls him “Pappa”, like we belong to the family in the ‘sound of music’.

There’s a part of me that feels bad for not being a better daughter. For not being kinder and more considerate. What proof do I have that he did abhorrent things? I know he beat my sister, verbally abused us, but that’s it. Is that so worthy of my silence and rejection?

Three days ago S, my girlfriend broke up with me. Well she needs some time off. Which I think is code for her buying time and mustering the courage to break it off. I’m gutted. I didn’t see it coming. Or maybe I was just blind to it. There’s been so much going on. The thing is, I believed she was a stayer. I truly believed her. She was so convincing. “I want to be with you forever”, “I want to get old with you” blah blah blah. I knew it was stupid. Too much of an age difference. Shoe was on the other foot this time. Me having always been the youngest in the past.

She said it feels like we are just co existing, just friends. The intimacy has gone. She said she’s been feeling like this for six months – thanks for telling me. I could feel she had given up on us.

At least now I can start fresh. Maybe have a relationship with no complex set up story or troubled history. Not that I want a relationship. I’m scared off. I feel like I’ve gotten my karma. You reap what you sow. But maybe I can date someone by age and be normal for once. Or maybe like many other SRA survivors I just can’t do relationships. Cos I’ll keep fuckin them up.

My mother is dying too – spinal cancer – not long to go. So yeah, do they say things happen in three’s?

I’m thankful I have two dogs and a roof over my head.

When I think about my father I feel sick. Ashamed. Angry. Confused. Despondent. Sad. Apathetic.

When I think about my mother I feel tired and angry and hurt and over it. And maybe a bit vindictive.

When I think about S, I feel sad and lonely and embarrassed and duped and stupid and unattractive.

6 thoughts on “Complicated grief

  1. I am so very, very sorry. Things like this should wait their turn, allow space to grieve between them. It’s not fair, just not fair. I wish I were closer geographically to lend support, but I’m not.

    Yes, it is complicated grief, complicated relationships, complicated lives. I don’t think you did anything wrong in not trying a last minute reconciliation with your father. What he did to his children, if that was “all,” was horrendous in itself. And you are under no obligation to go see your mother. You have only yourself, in reality, and you can put yourself first without guilt.

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