The will is announced

This morning I woke to a message on Facebook from my sister:

“Our dad is an evil man. I’m not going to the funeral given Shirley’s text.”

Whose Shirley? You might be wondering. Shirley is the executor of my mother’s will. She sent a text last night at 10pm:

“Hello All
Firstly sorry for your loss.
Wanted to let you know I am Executor of J’s will. The process will be awaiting death certificate, applying for probate, changing house title through Landgate to Exec to allow it to be sold. All this is quite a long tortured process I’m afraid and will take at least 6 months,
At the end of it all assets will be distributed as per will and I will provide an account to all of you of income/expenses. The terms of the will are a distribution of 45 per cent each to brother 1 and brother 2, and 5 percent each to daughter 1 and daughter 2.
Kind regards Shirley”

I redacted names for privacy. But in case you missed it, my brothers are to receive 45 percent each and me and my sister have been thrown peanuts. This is our father’s way of saying, “you selfish bitches. You reject me and I will reject you harder. You want some of my estate? Here you go. Here’s a measly amount – which is all you’re worth. You can go and battle it out in the courts if you want more”.

And at his funeral, how the priest spoke about my father’s undying love for God. His desperate need to hear the word and seek God right until his last breath. So hypocritical and cruel.

I am going to contest the will. It irks me that my brothers are being rewarded for staying silent and being compliant. So it’s going to be an interesting few months or longer as we battle this out.

I moved into a high trauma state by early morning, very dissociative and couldn’t stop shaking. But it felt good my body was doing that as I have so often just shut down in the past. I still participated in work meetings and life and a friend came over and we hung out and had dinner and watched “secret life of pets”. My parts and I love watching that movie with our dogs. 🐶

2 thoughts on “The will is announced

  1. That is so unfair! I am so sorry you have a fight on your hands now, but good for you standing your ground, you deserve more than 5 percent! I’m glad you were able to watch a movie with a friend, hang out and have dinner with them. X

    1. Thanks. Look honestly I thought was going to be left out of the will but the 5 per cent is a very considered decision from my father and he is “communicating” what he thinks. Ah well. We will see where this leads us.

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