The mother is gone.

I woke this morning to a text from my brother letting me know my mum had died last night at 11.15 pm, June 19. I best keep record as I am not sure if I’ll remember this as an anniversary.

I still went to boxing and work and just got on with my day. I had therapy tonight and we checked in with my parts. Everyone is happy but feels a bit naughty for feeling this way. My T said it’s okay for us to feel happy. My system feels relieved and glad she (and him) cannot hurt us anymore.

I’ll go to the funeral, whenever it is. I’ll do the right thing. But I don’t think I’ll cry.

My ex husband texted me and said “condolences for your loss. A truly, loyal lady”. This shit me. Even after I cut off contact with my mother and father, my mum would ring M. I asked him to respect my decision and support me but he remained in contact with her. It was a real sore point whilst we were married. Even after we separated, he was still talking with her! I couldn’t believe it. And his comment about her being a loyal lady makes me queasy. Does he mean loyal to my father who was controlling and abusive and who she couldn’t leave due to his financial control and also the confines of Catholicism. Or does he mean loyal in terms of her persistence in trying to contact me through him? My T said that when I needed my mother she wasn’t there for me. Later in life, when she needed me or wanted me, I wasn’t there for her. We reap what we sow said my T.

I shared with my therapist five things I am deeply grateful of for my mother.

1. I am grateful for her home cooking. That we grew up in a house where there was rarely junk food or processed food. I feel very lucky for this as I know not everyone has this good base with nutrition.

2. She got me into drama at the local community centre which I am so thankful for. Doing drama saved me in so many ways and I fell in love with the arts from a very early age.

3. She drove me places and supported me in different ways that helped keep me engaged with community and life.

4. She catered for my short films from when I was about 17 to 19. This is a big deal as catering is always very expensive and requires a lot of time and effort. Everyone was volunteering on the films and so loved her home cooking.

5. She met my security needs – we had a clean house and food. Even though I never felt safe I think having your basic needs met is important.

Anyway, it’s over. Although it’s not. There’s a funeral and a will and other things to sort. Given I’m out of the family I doubt I will be an active agent in any of it. So the next few months will be an interesting ride.

2 thoughts on “The mother is gone.

  1. Liking to show my support of you and your parts. I hope you can get through t the next couple of months, ok, I know it won’t be easy for any of you! X

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