Death, dying, break ups

My mum is dying. As of two days ago she had 24-48 hours to live, but that time has passed. I feel like it’s only a matter of days now but I am not with her and so do not really know. I will find out via my sister when it happens. Just like my father, who died three months ago, I feel numb and nonchalant. Still more upset about the breakup up than the deaths.

How could S leave me? She said she would never leave me. I have never felt so heart broken and sad before. Maybe I’m making up the intensity of my feelings. I don’t think I could look her in the face if I saw her. Too painful.

Mother, I don’t care if you die. It sounds so awful to write it out but I let you go so long ago. You are a distant memory to me. To see you would pain me. A reminder of everything I didn’t have. Yet I’m thankful for the things you were able to offer. Home cooked meals. You met my physical needs. You got me into drama when I was a kid. You took us to and from all of our activities. You catered for my short films and took it so seriously. I appreciated that.

When did it all go wrong? When I grew up and needed more from you? When you rejected me for being in a same sex relationship? When you didn’t try to get to know me. When I became sober and began to remember the nightmares. When I watched your submission. When I realised you would always be loyal to him.

And we stopped talking. I led the split. I couldn’t do a false relationship with you. I told you about the ritual abuse but you shunned me and denied me. You gave me nothing. I am left with feeling I made it all up and the resentment was my problem all along. I have no proof. I thought you were a witch but who knows. You loved God. Will my mother and father be in heaven? Will I know the truth of my past before I die? If I had more time and inclination I would rummage through your things when you pass. But it’s been so long since I visited the house, I don’t think I could go inside. I don’t think I could stomach the air.

2 thoughts on “Death, dying, break ups

  1. oh dear sweet Jesus, I relate to your feelings about your mom so parents are all gone now too. Such relief when she died, and bitterness,no closure,and denial. I hope we can talk sometime. I miss you 😔

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